Our Better Pond Blog will help you learn about Pond Maintenance with important information about Pond Aeration, Pond Fountains and Accessories, Vegetation Control, Storm Water Management, and more.

Pond Lake Management offers onsite Pond Maintenance Service in the Piedmont of North Carolina. We sell Pond Maintenance products such as Pond Fountains, Pond Aeration, Trash Bar Guards, Pond Chemicals, Fish Feeders, and Turtle Traps across the United States through our eCommerce Store.

How to Winterize Your Pond

How to Winterize Your Pond

If you live in a cold climate, you should take steps to winterize your pond. When winterizing your pond take into account your fish population, plants, pumps, and other accessories (i.e. waterfalls, fountains, and aeration units). Properly Winterizing your Pond will provide enough oxygen and allow for C02 release to keep your fish population healthy all winter long.
