Algaecides and Herbicides & Water Dyes
Vegetation is an important part of any aquatic system, but sometimes it can get out of control and create problems. Too much vegetation in your Pond or Lake can impair recreational activities, reduce oxygen levels causing fish kills and lead to a very unattractive waterway. If you need help with Algaecide application in North Carolina give us a call 336-706-3300 or complete our Pond or Lake Assessment Form.
Pond Lake Management suggests adding a surfactant to your Algaecide or Herbicide to help the chemical stick to the surface of the plant. A surfactant (also known as a wetting agent or spreader/sticker) is a type of chemical additive that acts as a buffer, breaking up the surface tension of a liquid. In weed control products, surfactants added to the solution to help the product stick to the sprayer surface better and is used to help breakdown the plant’s resistance in absorbing the chemical being applied to it. We offer surfactant options below.
Surfactants are a wetting agent, sticker, activator and penetrant all in one. Cide-Kick II helps break down the waxy cuticle on the leaf surface and helps penetrate the bud and bark area (of the woody brush), allowing a more effective uptake of the herbicide. Compatible with most aquatic and terrestrial herbicides, insecticides and pesticides. For maximum effectiveness, a post-emergent herbicide has to come in contact with plant leaves and stay on leaves long enough to seep into the plant and reach the parts of the plant that will damage or disrupt a vital process in the plant. Blocking the way of these chemicals are the waxy exterior layer of plants and the cuticle of leaves
Surfacants not available for sale in: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maryland, California, Washington.