Fox 8’s Cindy Farmer and Lee Andrews talk Pond Maintenance

We make Ponds, and Lakes beautiful and healthy!

A Few Of Our Pond Maintenance Services

Pond Lake Management’s pond services will turn your pond into a property feature you can use and be proud to show off. We specialize in pond cleaning helping to keep them healthy, clean, and beautiful year-round, throughout Central North Carolina. From Stormwater Pond Maintenance to removing Weeds, and Algae to installing Fountains, and Aeration systems we offer full-service pond care solutions to meet your needs in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point, and Central North Carolina.

We can help choose and install the right Trash Bar Guards, Turtle Traps, and Fish Feeders for your pond. In addition, we are herbicide application experts for ponds in North Carolina. Need help with your pond? Complete our online pond assessment form and we will be happy to help!

Lake & Pond Aerator, Installation, Maintenance & Repair

Bio-Cell for stormwater run off

Stormwater Control Solutions

Stormwater control measures (SCMs) are systems or techniques designed to manage rainwater runoff. They reduce the speed of runoff, filter pollutants, and promote groundwater recharge.
Pond Aerators

Diffused & Surface Pond Aeration

Pond aeration systems, are for ponds deeper than 6′ to provide complete circulation. Larger Ponds may require more than one unit, check your installation regularly to ensure it is still functioning as designed.
Two Pond Fountains in an Apartment Complex

Fountains for Ponds and Lakes

Pond Fountains add visual appeal to a pond, the spraying of water is relaxing and tranquil to hear. Ponds with fountains add more oxygen to the pond as the tiny droplets make contact with the air and fall into the pond.
Pulling a Dead Tree out of a pond

Pond Maintenance Plans for your Pond or Lake

Routine pond maintenance plans drastically reduce the expense per visit compared to sporadically completing reactive/post-treatments. We can maintain your pond or lake's health and appearance.
Aquatic Vegetation Control

Algae & Weed Control Solutions

Non-native plants are responsible for most Algae and Weed problems. Unwelcome aquatic vegetation can negatively impact the health, and appearance of ponds , displace native species, and upset the balance of fish populations.

CALL US: 336-706-3300

Request a Pond Assessment

Pond Care Products We Sell In Our e Commerce Store

We sell and ship Pond Management products across the United States, including Pond Fountains, Pond Aerators, Trash Bar Guards, Turtle Traps, Fish Feeders, and Weed, and Algae treatments.  Just click one of the buttons below to see the selection in our eCommerce store.

Customers and Affiliations

Working With Pond and Lake Management

The Pond Lake Management certified technicians will work with you to assess your pond’s health and provide recommendations that include a Retention Pond Maintenance plan for your pond. We will work to keep your lake or pond healthy, visually appealing, and functioning properly.  Your efforts now to manage your pond’s needs will keep your pond healthy for the long term and minimize costly repairs and treatment issues.

Our team has over 35 years of pond management experience, which allows us to provide our clientele with lake and pond management services throughout the Piedmont Triad including Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point, Burlington and beyond.

If you would like to speak with a member of our team or schedule an appointment, please call Pond Lake Management 336-706-3300.

    Aquatic Vegetation Control

    Visit our Algae & Weed Identification page

    Pond Lake Management’s Pond Maintenance Plans

      • Maintenance Packages – with visits to your pond or lake every two weeks.

      • Aquatic Vegetation Control

      • Control weeds in ponds

      • Manage the algae in ponds

      • Detention Pond Maintenance

      • Maintenance of Stormwater Ponds

      • Embankment Clearing

      • Water Quality Testing

      • Pond Dye applications

      • Dam, Inlet & Outlet Inspections

      • Fountain & Aerator  Installation and Repair

      • Install and maintain Turtle Traps

      • Install and maintain water intake trash bar guards

      • General Cleaning

      • Trash/Debris Removal

      Pond in need of dock maintenance and water quality improvement actions
      After Pond Maintenance by Pond Lake Management

      These programs are designed to provide you with clean, healthy, and balanced ponds, which will affordably restore their intended beauty, and improve your real estate, and recreational values, and drainage functions. Pond owners and managers have been placing the care and nurturing of their lakes and ponds on professional pond management programs for over 35 years, and we invite you to join the growing list of our satisfied customers.


      CALL US: 336-706-3300

      Request a Pond Assessment

      Routine maintenance will help keep the expense down per treatment compared to only doing reactive/ post-treatments. By entering into a full-service maintenance agreement with PLM, we can maintain and achieve your objectives including a detailed service checklist after each visit. We will visit your pond or lake every two weeks, these ongoing checks will help us monitor water and vegetation conditions so corrective action can be taken to prevent future issues from arising.

      PLM will provide the following tasks every 2 weeks:

      • PLM will work to maintain all ponds in accordance with the goals for each pond

      • We will utilize the latest products and methods to provide you with the most up-to-date service possible.

      • We will strive to manage the best water quality conditions for fish and overall attractiveness.

      • Integrated Pest Management (IMP) approach will be customized for each pond to help identify nuisance vegetation and unwanted sources of nutrients that affect the growth of aquatic plants.

      • Pond Lake Management is licensed through the state as an herbicide applicator and thus will help control and maintain all aquatic vegetation. (Most aquatic vegetation can’t be eradicated but can be controlled)

      • We will maintain all aeration units including floating fountains and diffused aerators.

      • Your fountains will be checked to ensure no debris is clogged around the impellers and all lights are functioning properly.

      • We will consult with groundkeepers about shoreline grasses or unwanted encroaching weeds.

      • We will utilize only the best name-brand equipment, herbicides, and pond dyes that have been proven the most effective.

      • Pond dye will be added to each pond to limit light penetration and help inhibit new unwanted plant growth.

      • A test will be conducted to ensure levels are within proper parameters, which will include but not limited to:

      Fountain at Grandover Resort in Greensboro, NC
      Fountain at Grandover Resort in Greensboro, NC
      • Nitrates

      • Total Alkalinity/ Hardness

      • Temperature

      • Ph

      • Oxygen

      • Copper

      • Phosphates

      • We will install floating plant islands (at the customer’s request, and expense) which beautify and help reduce nutrients at the same time.  These same nutrients are what feed unwanted plants

      • We will remove any trash within each pond and keep all standpipe strainers clear of debris.

      • All pond dyes and herbicides will be included in the monthly price

      The Pond Lake Management Newsletter

      Get news you can use to maintain your pond’s health and beauty

      Learn about the do’s and don’ts of pond maintenance to keep your pond healthy and vibrant in North Carolina year round. Sign up to receive the next Pond News quarterly newsletter.

      Newsletter Form (#13)

      Pond Maintenance by Pond Lake Management in North Carolina

      Pond Lake Management is a full-service Pond Maintenance Company providing installation and maintenance services for Aeration, Fountains, and Aquatic Weed Control. We offer maintenance plans designed specifically for your pond’s needs to keep your pond healthy and visually appealing.

      We work with residential, commercial, institutional, and governmental properties in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point, Burlington, and Central North Carolina.
