Product Description
Reward is a fast acting herbicide and algaecide that desiccates plant tissue on contact. Reward stops plant photosynthesis within minutes depending on conditions. Reward is effective on a wide variety of submersed, emergent and floating aquatic plants.
For best results, use a Surfactant such as Cygnet Plus or Cide Kick ll with this product.
– .5 to 2 gal per surface acre
- Spirogyra, Pithophora
- Water Lettuce, Water Hyacinth, Duckweed, Salvinia, Pennywort, Frog’s Bit, Cattails, Bladderwort, Hydrilla, Watermilfoils, Pondweeds, Coontail,
Elodea, Brazilian Elodea, Naiad
Water Use Restrictions
- 1 to 3 days
Livestock watering
- 1 day
- 1 to 5 days
See label for specific details
- Weight: 11 lb
- Width: 14 in
- Depth: 14 in
- Height: 22 in