Ten Reasons for a Pond Maintenance Plan

Bi-Monthly Pond Maintenance Plans
Is your pond choked by weeds, algae or other debris? Are you concerned about the health of the fish in your pond or lake? For a healthy aquatic environment and consistent water quality work with a pond maintenance company that can provide pond cleaning services on an ongoing basis. Keeping your pond or lake beautiful and environmentally balanced requires an Annual Maintenance plan.
Our pond cleaning services include algae control, pond aeration systems, and small pond aeration, and we can install pond fountains for large ponds or lakes. Pond Lake Management can help with all of your aquatic vegetation control, pond aeration, and fountain needs.
Here are 10 reasons to use a Pond Maintenance Plan.
Work a check-list meet meet mutually agreed upon objectives
Pond Lake Management will visit your pond bi-monthly and will conduct agreed-upon services.Vegetation Control
We identify unwanted vegetation and apply herbicides to help keep nuisance weeds in control.
Algae Identification and Control
Algae blooms rob the water of important oxygen and nutrients. We identify the type of Algae in your pond or lake and apply the appropriate algaecides to help control the algae. Pond Lake Management is licensed by the State of North Carolina to apply the Algae treatments. (Most aquatic vegetation can’t be eradicated but can be controlled.)
Pond Dye
Pond dyes added to your pond or lake will limit light penetration and can help inhibit plant growth.Aeration Unit Maintenance
Pond Aeration pumps, including pond aeration windmills, need to be serviced including cleaning out air filters, housings will be cleaned and bottom diffusers maintained for consistent airflow. We can install Windmills for Pond AerationPond Fountain Maintenance
Remove any debris from impellers and make sure lights are functioning properly. Pond Fountain Lights will be changed as needed. We also service Solar Powered Pond Fountains and aeration units.
With an annual maintenance plan, the cost per visit is drastically reduced.
Pond Lake Management’s certified technicians with over 35 years of experience working with all types of ponds to help keep them thriving and healthy. We service Commercial, Agriculture, Apartments & HOA’s, Educational Institutions and Hotels and Resorts.
We are the Piedmont Triad’s (Greensboro, High Point, Winston-Salem, Burlington and beyond) best pond maintenance solution. Need help? Call us or request a Pond Assessment request.